Keeping your child safe online.
The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our children’s. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of opportunities and risks to be aware of.
Parent Info:
Parentzone.org.uk offers support and guidance to help parents keep children safe online with specific advice on issues and settings for games and Apps that children can access.
It covers a wide range of subjects, with a focus on issues that are created by the internet and technology. You’ll find information on topics such as relationships, body image and peer pressure, as well as broader parenting topics such as supporting children’s education.
Safer Internet Day 2024: Tuesday 6th February
Safer Internet Day 2025: Tuesday 11th February
Within Stone Hill School there is an extensive emphasis on the subject of online safety. The computing curriculum incorporates an online safety topic within each year group. Further details can be viewed within the curriculum section of our website.
Our school will celebrate Safer Internet Day 2024 A whole school assembly will be given at the start of the week and lessons, workshops and cross curricular links are delivered with pupil work celebrated and displayed within the library and classrooms.
The Computing Co-ordinator (CEOP Ambassador) also delivers a parent workshop during the Autumn term. This is delivered annually and gives parents a chance to see how Online Safety is delivered within our school and to raise any concerns. It also highlights latest technology and any issues.
CEOP (The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account. They protect children from harm online and offline. Please see link: http://www.ceop.police.uk/safety-centre/
Stone Hill School’s Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) is: Mr P Scotting.
Stone Hill School’s e-Safety officer is: Mr A Thompson.
Pupils, parents and carers are advised to contact Mr Scotting or Mr Thompson if they wish to discuss any concerns or worries with regards to e-Safety.
Please click here https://www.nspcc.org.uk/preventing-abuse/keeping-children-safe/online-safety/ for more details.
Please be aware of Safeguarding information regarding Twitch.
It has come to our attention that explicit sexualised content has been broadcast on the popular livestreaming platform, Twitch, frequently used by children and young people. We are concerned that additional posts and articles about the livestream have since emerged on Reddit, Twitter and TikTok.
This is not the first time that sexualised content has been broadcast on Twitch.
We understand that safeguarding alerts can invoke many feelings for lots of different reasons. It’s important as you read this, to pause, remain calm, and use our guidance and practical advice below to plan your response.