Useful Links

  • Parent View: Could we please ask you to take the time to give your views about the school on the Ofsted Parent View. Click the attached link Ofsted Parent View

  • What is IDL?

IDL (Indirect Dyslexia Learning) was established over 20 years ago and has helped many students improve their reading and writing skills.

It is a specialist literacy software programme for people with dyslexia or dyslexic type difficulties. Highly successful at raising reading and spelling levels, IDL has helped adults and children around the UK to improve their literacy skills.

The IDL software is a multisensory learning method – using sight, sound, touch & voice. It builds up skills gradually in a stress-free way. Reading and spelling feels easy and comfortable. New skills are practised and revised until learnt. There is a structured approach, which provides a learner-friendly, accessible course.

  • The Change4Life website provides handy hints and tips to help you cut down on sugar intake and how to live a healthier lifestyle. Please visit : Change4Life

  • National Autistic Society’s Parent to Parent Service – Parent to Parent (P2P) is the NAS’ UK-wide confidential telephone support service providing emotional support to parents and carers of a child or adult with autism. The service is provided by trained parent volunteers, who all have at least one son or daughter with autism. The Parent to Parent volunteers are based across the whole of the UK, this means that there is increased anonymity for parents who may not want to share information with someone in their local area.

The volunteers have a wealth of experience, knowledge and insight and can talk through any issues, problems or feelings parents are experiencing. They all know what life can be like for families affected by autism and want to do something to support others in similar situations. They can also direct callers to other sources of information and support.

Parents and carers can contact the service via phone or online. They can either call 0808 800 4106 at any time day and night and leave a message. It is not a manned line, but if they leave a message, a volunteer will call them back as soon as possible, at a time which suits them. You can find more information about the service on the web page

  • Doncaster Families Information Service – the central point of information, advice and support for families with children and young people 0-19 years (up to 24 years with a disability) and people who work with families. Please click here for more information.

  • doncastersafeguardingchildren – please click here for direct link.

  • Keeping Children Safe in Education – please see the Statutory guidance which sets out what schools and colleges must do to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people under the age of 18.

  • Doncaster Carers Centre – Doncaster Partnership for Carers aims to provide a comprehensive service, which supports and enables carers to have a choice in their caring role. For further information, please click here to take you directly to their website :

  • D.I.C.E – is a non-profit making organisation in Doncaster providing exciting opportunities for local disabled people to engage more regular in activities and events.

  • Local Offer – In September 2014 all Local Authorities must publish a ‘Local Offer’ to support children who are disabled or who have SEN and their families. The Local Offer will enable families to understand what services they can access and what support they can expect from a range of local agencies, including the local authority, health services, schools, leisure services and the voluntary sector. The offer will include provision from birth to 25, across education, health and social care.

  • TIE Card

The potential outcomes of the Local Offer are:

  • To provide clarity and confidence for parents

  • To support earlier intervention

  • To reduce the need for assessment

  • To identify need and gaps in provision

  • To provide an evidence base for improving progress and securing better outcomes at school and local level

  • Chance to Change – is a new service for anyone in Doncaster 16+ who are concerned about their abusive behaviour towards their partner or family members and want to change.

We offer Awareness Workshops, Inclusion Toolkits, Group work programmes, practical 1:1 support and fit kit modules, all are tailored to individual needs.

The aim of the programme is to work with domestic violence perpetrators promoting healthier and safer relationships at all levels. We aim to target Domestic abuse early and have specific interventions to support low, medium and high risk perpetrators. We will support male, female and people in same sex relationships.

We will be working with the perpetrators to look at changing behaviour through a cognitive and holistic approach via 1:1 and group work.

  • Doncaster Young Carers Service – A young carer is a child or young person who looks after a member of their family. For more support and advice please visit this useful link :

  • E-Safety – The internet has changed all of our lives, particularly our children’s. For parents and carers this opens up a whole new world of things to be aware of. Please visit this useful link to give you more information about how to manage E-Safety at home :

  • Cool Milk – free and subsidised school milk. Register your child at or ask the school office for a form to complete.

  • Doncaster Domestic Abuse Service – details of all available support services can be found at doncasterdomesticabuse or telephone 0800 4701505.

Doncaster Autism Service (DAS) is a new service aiming to support people with Autism of all ages and their families. Please click here for further information.

Please click here for further information on cost of living support.

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