Staffing 2024/25


Senior Leadership Team

Mr P. Scotting (Headteacher)

Ms M. Chapman (Deputy Headteacher/Pupil Premium Lead)

Miss R. Lea (Assistant Headteacher Year 1 - 8/Reading/Enterprise/Eco Schools/ SMSC & British Values/Parent Engagement Lead)

Mr S. Ludlam (Assistant Headteacher Year 9 - 14/Careers & Employability and Duke of Edinburgh/STEAM/Behaviour/Skills Builder Lead)

Mrs J. Fisher (KS 1 & 2 Leader/Phonics/Learning Behaviours Lead)

Miss C. Marshall (KS3 Leader/English and Literacy Lead)

Mrs K. Arnison-Ludlam (KS4 Leader/Life Skills Lead/Examinations Officer)

Mrs L. Bambrough (KS5 Leader/Careers & Employability Lead)

Teaching & Support Staff

3LM: Miss L. Ludlam (Teacher/Humanities Lead), Mrs S. Becker (TA)

4AB: Mrs A. Bennett (Teacher), Mrs J. Hoggarth (TA), Miss J. Holt (TA/Medical Support), Miss S. Savage (TA), Mrs S. Booth (TA)

5NH: Miss N. Howe (Teacher/RE Lead), Mrs A. Blenkiron (TA), Mrs N. England (TA), Miss D. Gill (TA)

6JF: Mrs J Fisher (KS 1 & 2 Leader/Phonics/Learning Behaviours Lead) , Mrs A. Walker (TA), Miss L. Hammond (TA), Miss F. Clarke (TA)

7LD: Miss L. Davies (Teacher/Music Lead), Miss K. Christian (TA), Mrs J. Crowston (TA)

7JC: Mr J. Christian (Teacher/Outdoor Learning and Forest Schools Lead), Mrs D. Polwin (TA), Miss J. Holt (TA), Miss L. McNally (TA)

8LE: Miss L. Eames (Teacher/Art & DT Lead), Miss A. Rowe (TA), Mrs M. Hughes (TA), Mr K. Spurr (TA/Independent Travel Buddy)

8KBL: Mrs K. Bennett-Leary (Teacher/MFL and Prince’s Trust Lead), Mrs D. Harris (TA), Miss K Matthews (TA), Mr H. Cox (TA)

9CM: Miss C. Marshall (KS3 Leader/English and Literacy Lead), Mrs A. Burnham (HLTA), Mr R. Blacklock (Swimming Teacher/Forest Schools Instructor/TA) Mrs M. Skorska-Michalska (TA)

9TS: Mr T. Spendlove (Teacher/Duke of Edinburgh), Miss A. Richards (TA), Miss R. Stock (TA), Miss R. Smith (TA), Mrs L. Crick (TA)

10LJ: Mrs L. Johnson (Teacher/Science Lead), Mrs K. Clarke (TA/Independent Travel Buddy), Miss C. Calderbank (TA)

10ZL: Mr Z. Levers (Teacher/PE Lead), Mr J. Glynn (TA), Miss K Thorpe (TA), Mrs A. Piecuch (TA)

11KAL: Mrs K. Arnison-Ludlam (KS4 Leader/Life Skills Lead/Examinations Officer), Mrs L. Smith (Café Manager/HLTA), Mrs J. France (TA/Independent Travel Buddy)

11RM: Miss R. McKinlay (Teacher/Food Technology Lead), Miss N. Waite (TA), Mrs A Pietrzykowska (TA)

12JA: Miss J. Aitchison (Teacher/Maths Lead), Mrs N. Hackford (TA), Mrs S. Eames (TA), Miss H. Murfitt (TA)

13AT: Mr A. Thompson (Teacher/Computing Lead/Examinations Assistant), Mr J. Eames (TA)

14LW: Mrs L. Bambrough (KS5/Careers & Employability Lead), Mrs D. Linguard-Miller (Teacher), Mrs L. Ashcroft (HLTA/Invigilator/Independent Travel Buddy), Miss B. Gregson (TA/Maths Interventions/Independent Travel Buddy), Miss J. Burns (TA/Independent Travel Buddy)

Mrs V. Morton (Pastoral Mentor)

Mrs C. Brown (Work Experience Co-ordinator)

Sport Apprentices

Mr K. Wood

Mr K. Hill

Sport Apprentices will be working across school.


Mrs L. Leithgoe (Health & Wellbeing Lead)

Admin Team

Mrs W. Stevenson (Office Manager)

Mrs M. Wailes (Business Manager)

Mrs D. Blackmore (Administration Officer)

Mrs L. Cowlbeck (Receptionist)

Kitchen Staff

Mrs G. Force (School Cook)

Mrs J. Hizzett (Assistant)

Miss S. Hawksworth (Assistant)

ICT Support

Mr D. Trout

Site Supervisor

Mr P. Clarkson

Professional Services

CAMHS Learning Disability Team

Occupational Therapist


School Nursing Team

Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)

Visual Impairment/Hearing Impairment Team


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There are no staff who currently undertake union duties.

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