Health and wellbeing (RSHE & PSHE)
Promoting pupil health and wellbeing is at the heart of our school curriculum. Our PSHE curriculum reflects our school’s aims, values and ethos to provide opportunities for our children and young people to learn how to be safe, mentally and physically healthy, and prepared for life and work.
Our curriculum allows pupils to explore, discuss and follow their own preferences within six key themes; self-awareness, growing and changing, self-care, support and safety, managing feelings, healthy lifestyles and the world we live in. Across all themes, and in all key stages, the overall intent is that pupils engage, achieve and meet personal progress expectations to enable them to have the most fulfilling, enjoyable, and independent lives possible.
Our health and wellbeing curriculum (which encompasses the statutory Relationships and Sex Education, and Health Education requirements) is based on the PSHE Association curriculum for pupils with special educational needs. The spiral curriculum is progressive and pupil progress is tracked to allow individuals to move through six stages of learning; Encountering, Foundation, Core, Development, Enrichment and Enhancement. Pupils access weekly PSHE sessions which are planned appropriately for their ages and stages. Our curriculum planning links to wider school initiatives such as themed days; supporting national awareness days, such as mental health awareness day and anti-bullying week, as well as whole school and key stage assemblies.
To complement our curriculum, we also offer bespoke wellbeing interventions for pupils who need additional social or emotional support.
Click the links below to download our Health and Wellbeing (RSHE & PSHE) curriculum plans
Health & Wellbeing - Upper school
Long term plans available on request